Saturday, 28 February 2015

Health Tips: Foods For Men's Health

Men's Health: A man must have a heavier activity than in women. Because the men in the family have a responsibility to make a living for his wife and son. Thus the man in the compulsory work to meet the economic needs of their families.
With busy work activities, men do not have the time or can not cook, and most Men prefer to eat fast food even if they already know the harmful effects of too often consume these foods. In fact, a healthy diet is not always difficult to obtain or hard cooked. Here is some food for men's health:

• Brown if taken in the right amount, can improve blood flow. Plavanol in dark chocolate can reduce cholesterol levels and maintain blood pressure. Men with poor blood circulation, are likely to experience erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to consume 1 ounce of dark chocolate every day.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Skin Cancer: Cause Factors and Prevention

Causes there are various kinds of skin cancer and can not be known with certainty. but there are several factors that influence the development of skin cancers, among others: lack of pigment such as albino skin and smooth white skin types with blond hair and blue eyes is not resistant to sunlight, excessive sun exposure, chemicals which are carcinogens to the skin, family history (derivative), ionizing radiation.

Signs And Symptoms Of Skin Cancer

Signs and symptoms of skin cancer. Skin cancer is a cancer that affects the skin. is very important for you to recognize the signs of skin cancer, so you can take steps to prevent first and so you avoid this deadly disease, if you just knew this skin cancer disease, you can do the treatment early

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Vegetables Are Foods That Nourish Us All

Health tips: Humans need healthy food, healthy food between mandatory for consumption is a vegetable. Because vegetables are fibrous foods, because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and various kinds of healthy substances. And you need to know when cooking vegetables, you should not be too long to cook vegetables. Because vitamins and minerals in vegetables are lost when cooked too long. Well I will explain the benefits of eating vegetables.
Since it was boiled in a short time, then eat boiled vegetables including safe for consumption. Because boiling action will kill microorganisms that grow in it.
Boil vegetables including how to process foods that can maintain the nutrition of food. Even boiled carrots and broccoli will be out nutrients.
Eating boiled vegetables every day can prevent you from chronic diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, and obesity.
Boil the vegetables can improve the content of antioxidants in vegetables.
If you are on a weight loss program, try to meet your diet with boiled vegetables. For boiled vegetables are rich in fiber which can make you feel full longer.
Boiled Vegetables are very easy to digest. So anyone can eat.
Because only through the process of boiling, then you would take a moment to process.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Soursop Potent Drug For Cancer Diseases

Soursop Potent Drug For Cancer Diseases: Efficacy of fruit soursop gives effect anti-tumor or cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (fungi), effective against various types of parasites or worms, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

One example of how important the existence of Health Sciences Institute for American society is institute unmasked the secret of this miracle fruit. The astonishing fact is: far amazon forest hinterland, grow "magic tree", which will change the way you think, your doctor, and the world about the healing process of cancer and hope to survive. No one can promise more than this, for the days to come.

Research Proves "Magic Tree" and Fruits It Capable:

Attacking cancer cells with naturally safe and effective, without nausea, weight loss, or hair loss, as happened in chemo therapy.
Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
Patients feel stronger, healthier during the treatment or cure.
Increased energy and improved physical appearance.
Source of this shocking news comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in America. Graviola fruit in-test in more than 20 laboratories, since the 1970s until a few years later. Test results of the extract (essence) of this fruit is

Effectively target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including cancers: colon, breast, prostate, lungs, and pancreas.
Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with Adriamicin and Chemo Therapy commonly in use.
Unlike chemo therapy, this juice selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and NOT harm / kill healthy cells.
Research has been done in ekstensive on trees "magic" is, for many years but why we do not know anything about this? Because it is so easy to our health, our lives are controlled by money and power.

One of the largest drug companies in America with a turnover of billions of dollars doing extraordinary research on Graviola tree that grows this Amazon jungle. Apparently some parts of this tree, the bark, roots, leaves, fruit flesh and seeds for centuries into a cure for the Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems (liver) and rheumatism.

With scientific evidence is minimal, the company disbursed funds and human resources are very large in order to conduct research and various tests. The results are astonishing. Graviola scientifically proven as a cancer cell killing machine.

How To Treat Breast Cancer?

How To Treat Breast Cancer? Treatment options and prognosis (chance of recovery) depends on the stage of the cancer (whether the cancer is in the breast only or has spread to other body parts), the type of breast cancer, the characteristics of the cancer and whether the cancer cells are found in the other breast. Age woman, menopausal status (whether a woman still has a menstrual cycle) and general health conditions can affect treatment options and prognosis.

Surgery is common to remove the cancer. Some forms of surgical procedures including:

1) Surgery with Breast
Lumpectomy or Wide Local Excision - removal of the cancer and surrounding tissue slightly.
Quadrantektomi - removal of the cancer by raising more than lumpectomy surrounding tissue. For quadrantektomi procedure, a quarter part of the breast is removed.
2) mastectomy - removal of the entire breast with or without lymph node tissue below the axilla.
3) When breast surgery, some cells in the lymph nodes under the arm are also taken for examination.

hormone therapy

Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to kill the targeted cancer cells. The goal is to kill cancer cells that may remain around the breast.
Radiotherapy is vital after surgical procedures that maintain the breast, such as lumpectomy, because most of the breast tissue is left intact. This therapy will reduce the recurrence of breast cancer.
In general, women who underwent mastectomy procedure does not require radiotherapy. However, for some cases, this procedure needs to be done to treat the chest wall and lymph nodes in the armpit that is, when the risk of cancer coming back locally is still high.

Physical rehabilitation, including:

Shoulder exercises after surgery
Hand treatment to prevent lymphoedema
Balancing nutrition and lifestyle adaptations to improve healing
Mental Rehabilitation includes:

Strong support from partner, family, friends, and support groups
A woman can feel safe in knowing his recovery opportunities
Regularly attending physician consultation

Characteristics Of Breast Cancer Disease

Characteristics Of Breast Cancer Disease: Beware of some oddities on your breast, which can be the symptoms of breast cancer. Consider some of the following signs.

Breast changes shape with a lump in the skin, the skin looks like orange peel, discoloration, eczema, and others.
The retraction in the nipple (nipple into the breast).
Breast skin looks hollowed, thickening or roughness on the skin of the breast, and enlarged pores.
Bloody discharge such as water (occurs in a minority of cases).
Observe carefully both your breasts. You can do it in front of the mirror to see if there are physical changes that occur in one or both of your breasts, for example regarding size, texture, and color of the skin around the breast.

To detect lumps, lay your body. Then, palpate and press a little part of your bust with finger movements rotate clockwise. Immediately consult a doctor if any abnormalities are found on your breast.

Understanding Breast Cancer?

Understanding Breast Cancer?  Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases and ranks second as a cause of cancer deaths in the world. To raise awareness of the risk of this disease, every year, a number of organizations and activists organize various activities to sensitize the public on the importance of early inspection. Breast cancer is a disease caused by malignant cells (cancer) that grows in the breast tissue. These cells usually appear in the breast ducts or lobula. Cancer cells can spread between tissues or organs that exist and to other body parts.

How common is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the second biggest cause of death for women today. In Singapore, one of 16 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Chinese women have a higher risk compared with Malays or Indians approximately 10% to 20%. The highest cases occurred in the age group 55-59 years. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. The good news now is that more women are now able to fight breast cancer because of early detection and improving the quality of treatment.

What Caused It?

Factors triggering this cancer is not yet known. But this can be traced from a family history of breast cancer, early menstrual cycle, or the possibility of other risk factors. Because it is so difficult to be sure, each of us has the risk of breast cancer, especially when we are aged 40 years or more. Although the causes are still unknown, but complete healing is possible with early detection through regular breast examinations.

How To Treat Cancer Naturally

How To Treat Cancer Naturally: Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. because it has a lot of people who died from cancer diseases. and if not overcome early can cause death in the sufferer. traditional cancer treatment alternative cancer treatment is safe, cheap, easy, effective, without oprasi, and without side effects such as chemical drugs have many side effects if consumed continuously can cause side effects.
cancer in this case is almost similar to the tumor. Tumors are cells that grow out of control it is no reasonable tumors or lumps remain and not growing or in terms of the doctor called benign tumors. If the lump is growing uncontrollably and can grow anywhere it will damage other cells according to medical science is called a malignant tumor or commonly called cancer, cancer can grow anywhere like neck cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the nose, oral cancer, colon cancer, heart upstream cancer, and others who would have been very dangerous if not handled immediately.
how to treat cancer traditionally

signs of cancer and tumors
a) wound or sore that never healed.
b) abnormal bleeding.
c) wound in the breast or elsewhere.
d) impaired appetite, as well as digestion.

advice for people with cancer or malignant tumors
a) eat vegetables and fruits that much.
b) regular wash and clean.
c) do not callous negative but always directed toward Allah swt bonding.
how to treat cancer and malignant tumors traditionally

a) Take the leaves and flowers parasite, wash with clean water and boiled with approximately 3 cups water to a boil. Having a cold can be taken with pure bee honey is added.
b) Take a young cermai fruit leaves, young leaves of papaya, starfruit leaves young. comparable in size with three handfuls of hand later in the wash and then boiled with approximately 3 cups water to boiling then cooled and can be taken with honey to taste, to drink enough half a glass of morning and afternoon.
c) fresh carrots at the scar and the filter can be added with pure honey and drunk.

drink all the ingredients on a regular basis every day insha allah patiently cancer and tumors can be cured. besides yourself closer to the gods because all disease is given by Allah that we are aware of our sins and to test the strength of our faith.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Healthy Chicken Recipes

Healthy Chicken Recipes: Everyone in the various countries will like to eat chicken. Because the chicken is delicious food for consumption. Do you know how to prepare or cook chicken in order to become healthy foods. Here is a recipe to cook a chicken in order to become healthy foods:

First prepare all materials and equipment used to cook, before you start cooking, first wipe to clean your chicken meat. Do not let the blood still remaining on the sidelines of your bones or chicken meat. Little mistake can be fatal when cleaning during processing. After that separate the skin, due to the excess cholesterol, chicken skin is not good for consumption. So, it's good this section is separated first before cooking. So that the fat does not come late in cooking. After it boiled or steamed chicken meat is first. With boiled or steamed. Fat contained in chicken meat will dissolve along the water. So the chicken meat processed foods will be safe to eat. Once cooked with herbs, while fried chicken does not take long in the frying pan because it is already ripe.

Do not forget to control the dose of the presentation, Although it may be, does not mean you
can be eaten in large quantities and uncontrolled. For information, 3 ounces
grilled skinless chicken contains 130 grams of calories with 4 grams of fat.
While the grilled chicken with the skin has a calorific value of 170 grams and 7 grams of fat.
Serve with vegetables and fruit, vegetable soup containing carrots,
potatoes, beans, and sweet corn to balance the nutritional value of
The chicken meat. Function, can be a fiber that will help the process of
The digestion of chicken meat in your stomach. For more help,
add fruit, such as apples as dessert.
Hopefully this recipe useful to the hobby you eat chicken but be careful in choosing a healthy diet

Healthy Dinner Recipes

Healthy Dinner Recipes: Dinner is a routine activity that we do every day. Because we as humans need food at least 3 times a day. Ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. The dinner we usually with family or friends and the people we love. For that we need to know the proper healthy food for our families consumed at dinner. And not just any dinner menu select. Because our health is an invaluable thing for us. Well, I will discuss healthy food for dinner. Here are some healthy dinner recommendations:
The refreshing green vegetables and contains lots of fiber. He can help you full faster. and guaranteed not to make you fat.
Clear soup
Make it clear soup of vegetables and may also from bone stew. Soups of this kind can provide power. Better in the evening than the type of clear soup soup is thick and contains a lot of seasoning. Expand vegetables and less meat and poultry. Vegetable soup also make your digestion more smoothly than the soup thick and contain a lot of fat.
Meat Without Fat
Choose meat that is not attached to the fatty tissue, such as the meat is more good benefits and a good dinner menu for those who want to lose weight. You need protein in your dinner menu.
Plants are still a family with this chili beneficial anti-oxidants in your diet. Besides low-calorie, peppers including the type of seasoning, more healthful than chili and pepper. Add peppers in your diet can also enrich the aroma and taste of food.

You can use the menu beans in a salad or your favorite curry. These foods provide calories despite the low power supply. Can also be a good source of fiber for your health. Eating beans helps you stay fuller for a more normal levels than when you're stuffed to eat.
You can opt out of tofu or plain. Both are good sources of protein. Suitable for those who are vegetarian and do not eat meat. Because this menu to meet the needs of protein for your body without making you fat. Besides tofu, you can also eat tempeh and soy sauce are still a family, soy foods.
Among the many green vegetables, vegetable broccoli is much sought after by people. It does not seem bitter and low in calories. The menu is suitable for your dinner because the supply of anti-oxidants and healthy at night. Broccoli at night can overcome your desire to snack because vegetables taste sensation this one.
Low Fat Cheese
If you long for the cheese, you can choose low-fat cheese as one additional dinner menu you. Indeed, there is still fat, but calcium can help you strengthen bones. Cheese flavor also makes the food tasted more savory and yummy. During the portion within reasonable limits, the cheese will not make you fat anyway.
Red Onion
Red onions should be included in your diet, not only as a flavor enhancer, but the content of selenium can help you sleep better at night. Moreover, the cuisine was not complete without the onion.
Fish or Chicken Grilled
Fish or chicken on grill, protein content richer and tastes better. When the grill, the fat of fish and chicken are also usually shed and reduced. However, given the seasoning to taste and avoid high-fat sauces. That way you will not feel guilty after spending a portion of your favorite grill chicken.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Best Way To Relieve Cough Fast

Cough can affect anyone. cough can interfere with your activities. cough by comparing several things. for example, changes in temperature during the rainy season makes bacterial and viral disease develops more easily, which may cause disruption in the body, one of them cough. As with other mild symptoms, cough can be cured with treatment alone. Here are 5 ways to relieve cough you can do at home:
  1. Drink enough
Upper respiratory tract infections such as colds or flu can cause postnasal drip (mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat that causes mucus dripping down from the back of the nose). Drinking enough will help dilute the mucus in the nasal lining. In addition, a good drink to keep mucous membranes moist fixed.
2. Warm water bath
Warm bath can help loosen mucus and phlegm. If your cough is dry, this way will moisturize the respiratory tract and makes scratchy throat relief.
3. Aromatherapy
Certain essential oils can stimulate the lungs to expel mucus and fight infection. One of the simplest ways to use aromatherapy is to prepare a medium-size tub of water vapor that has been filled then put essential oils into it. Use a towel to cover the head when you put a face on top of the steam. Take a deep breath through the mouth, so that essential oils can reach the lungs.
4. Do not expose yourself of pollutants
Perfumes and fragrances bathroom did no harm, but for some people can cause chronic sinus irritation and produce extra mucus leads to chronic cough. Likewise with cigarette smoke, dust, and other pollutants. Use a face mask when needed.
5. Taking the drug
If the hot water bath and the other way does not work, you can also take medication to relieve cough. Call your doctor if cough lasts more than 4 weeks, or if you experience coughing up blood or other symptoms such as weight loss, chills, and fatigue

The Ability Of Memory Decline Due To Stress

The ability of memory decline due to stress: When you are faced with a situation of depression due to stress, the body will then respond, known in medical as the fight / flight response. That is a condition that determines which one must choose to react with aggressive behavior or even leave the stressful situation.
That's when the adrenal glands / kidney child on the body quickly produce adrenaline. If the threat is too severe or persist after a few minutes, then release the adrenal cortisol which is often called the stress hormone, cortisol though it turns out not only produced when a stressful situation alone.
Then how do the levels of hormones in the human memory? Here's the explanation:

Due to Stress Hormone Cortisol relationship, and Memory Impairment
  Professor Robert M. Sapolsk, MD. Cortisol in sufficient quantity turns out to have a good effect on the body such as increasing the burst of energy, improve memory function, and improve immunity. However, after that when the body is unable to provide the relaxation response is important to return to the normal function of the body, the hormone cortisol will settle, causing a condition called chronic stress.
Stress hormones are released repeatedly have an effect on brain function, especially memory. Too much cortisol can prevent the brain to save memory, or access an existing memory. Renowned brain researcher, Robert M. Sapolsky, have shown that the stress that occurs continuously may damage the hippocampus, a part of the limbic system in the brain which is the center of learning and memory. Hormones are responsible is glukokortikoid- steroid hormone released by the adrenal gland / adrenal during stress, which is known as corticosteroids or cortisol.

Side Effects Of Taking Slimming Drugs Carelessly

Everyone wants to have a slim body shape. not only women, men also do not like the fat and bloated stomach. However, often people want to do it in a way that is fast and instant.
Not one to want the weight and ideal body shape, however, the practice of the instant methods mostly only bring adverse effects to the body, for example, the consumption of slimming drugs.
Slimming drugs on the market is often stated that these drugs contain natural ingredients that consumers can lose weight in a short time. Unfortunately, manufacturers of these products are often not clearly stated in the material, the content and the content of their products so that the effects on the body and weight as well as the side effects are difficult to predict.
Some slimming drugs and herbal supplements in the form of circulating freely in the market are usually not effective for weight loss and the effect often is:

Health Risk Drinking Drugs Slim Carelessly
Some slimming drugs and herbal supplements in the form of circulating freely in the market are usually not effective for weight loss and the effect often is:
1. Causes of frequent urination or frequent bowel movements
This way it can make the scale you lose weight but can harm health as it can cause a lack of body fluids and kidney problems.
2. Reduce to eliminate appetite
It seems can help, but without good control, it can cause the body lacks the necessary nutrients, can disrupt the balance of hormones and can disrupt the body's cell repair. Daily activities can be disrupted, especially the brain that rely on carbohydrates alone as the sole source of nutrition. Moreover, the effect is even likely to cause adverse effects such as the emergence of excessive appetite after the drug is discontinued.
3. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
In herbal medicine and supplements slimming unknown contents often does not contain any active ingredients which can be useful for weight loss. The content of unknown chemicals can give side effects are also unknown to the body. Often nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are effects that are often encountered.
So how good is if you want to lose weight fast and easy? Well here's the explanation:
Lose Weight the Right
In cases of severe obesity, medication assistance is required, but it certainly should be in the supervision of a doctor so that the doctor can monitor the side effects of the drugs given. To that end, if you intend to lose weight, more secure you do with diet and exercise rather than taking medication that does not clear the contents and effect.
Body with normal weight certainly healthier, for it is not wrong if you want to reach a normal weight. However, choose a safe manner and do not easily tempted by instant ways misleading. If you need expert assistance then you can visit the doctor to guide eating and exercise guide so that you can lose weight by staying healthy and fit.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Healthy Recipes for Diet

Healthy Recipes for Diet: Prescription diet menu is divided into several sections: In week 1 to week 3 then we need a diet with a diet low carbohydrate diet. At week 4 of our diet diet changed again into a normal diet carbohydrate diet. Well, after the division of the two earlier diet diet, I will divide it into several parts based on time or intensity as diet eat breakfast, eat a diet lunch, evening meal, and dinner.
Recipes Food Diet

Week 1 to week 3: Diet Low Carbohydrate Diet
Prescription Diet Eating Morning: Preferably during breakfast or eat this morning you try to eat one boiled egg or egg omelette can also be combined with wheat or oatmeal as much as 1 bowl. To drink one glass of milk is high in protein but low fat and sugar. You can alternate with snack in the morning with 2 to 3 tofu / tempeh, for his just 1 apple or orange only.

Prescription Diet Eating Lunch: For the afternoon during lunch hour has arrived should try heavy foods such as brown rice or with a sufficient portion 9 tablespoons. For side dishes it is 150 grams of chicken, or if you do not like can be replaced with beef or fish that everything would have to be nonfat. Do not forget to love vegetables are also fairly with half a bowl alone.

Afternoon snack: On the afternoon in the week to 1 to 3 is no evening meal, but its successor, and afternoon snacks enough to take 1 piece of grilled meat or fish. If you do not like 1- 2 tofu also okay too tuh.

Prescription Diet Eat Night: For dinner recipe next diet is 200 grams of chicken breast or fish can also be replaced with lean beef if you do not like, but with a fixed portion that is only 200 grams. Well for a snack in the evening you can take high milk protein (whey protein) but still low fat and sugar.

Week 4: Normal Carbohydrate Diet Diet

Prescription Diet Eating Morning: For the week of the 4th of this meal is started normally with a certain dose of example only in the morning you breakfast 1 egg omelette can also boiled eggs, then 2 whole wheat bread or 1 cup of oatmeal and add milk, low-fat high-protein and low sugar. For our snack only 3 pieces of tempeh or tofu include also eat 1 apple or in orange.

Prescription Diet Eating Lunch: For day time course eating a heavy meal, but the portions are controlled like eating brown rice or brown rice as much as 16 tablespoons of the chicken breast side dishes as much as 150 grams. Do not forget the vegetables, because the greens are very much useful especially for those of you who frequent constipation. For snacks during the day does not exist, right at lunch've eaten a heavy meal.

Diet Snacks Afternoon: In the evening activity you should fill your stomach with 1 slice of bread wheat and 1/2 cup oatmel alone is enough for a quick diet.

Prescription Diet Eat Night: At the dinner should be set so that you eat dinner 2 hours before you sleep. This is to avoid the occurrence of acid reflux due to direct feeding to sleep. Prescription diet you should serve as night was chicken, or fish may also non-fat beef as much as 100 grams. To use the rice brown rice with a share of 8 to 9 tablespoons. Well your evening snack drink enough milk with a high protein, low-fat and low-sugar, and 1 apple or orange.

Okay friends wherever you are, it was a few tips on diet, especially a healthy diet recipes, diet recipes, diet recipes fast, and also a natural diet recipes that I can convey to you all. Well, thank you've read the article with the title for Diet Recipes Healthy food may be useful.

Tips For Weight Control

If losing weight is easy, there would not be many people who are overweight. But in fact lose weight is pretty difficult thing is not it?
Of fries would be more enjoyable than the salad, or chicken over fried savory and delicious if not? On the other hand, has the ideal body weight will make the body feel more comfortable than the overweight. Therefore it is better to change the lifestyle we turn into healthy habits.
But to begin with, have you ever actually realize a lot of the habits of daily life that it actually turned out to be easy to make the body fat.
Consider the following tips:
Do not fill your refrigerator with high-calorie foods. Try to prioritize fruits and vegetables included in the permanent resident and your kitchen refrigerator.
Create your activities outside the home, prepare lunch from home than you have to snack on where you move. With you to prepare meals for themselves, easier to measure your intake of calories and nutrients that enter your body, the article is just God and (possibly) hawker traders know the actual amount of nutrients intake of snack foods.
If you are on a diet with a target weight, then prepare the scales at an easy place to see. If you are dieting for health targets prevention of degenerative diseases, ask family members to prepare the food you eat, the temptation will be even greater if you prepare your food, unless you are determined to maintain the diet for health reasons.

Food Beneficial for Your Health

Macro nutrients needed by the body are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While micro nutrients needed by the body is in the form of vitamins and minerals in various types.
Of the various types of food in the world, there are some foods that should not be missed to be consumed because of its great benefits to health.
Some of them are:
Food Beneficial for Your Health:
1. Apples
Apples are foods high in soluble fiber and insoluble. One of the important soluble fiber pectin which helps overcome the cholesterol that can cause disease in the body. Apple skin is also beneficial because it contains antioxidant compounds and anti-inflammatory.
2. Bananas
Bananas contain potassium which is useful for muscle function and gastrointestinal tract. Bananas also contain a lot of fiber so good for digestion.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli is high-fiber foods are good for digestion. In addition, broccoli also contains a compound that has so far kept investigated expected to have anti-cancer benefits and can cope with inflammation.
4. Spinach
Spinach is a nutrient-rich foods, including iron, calcium, and vitamin A is good for the eyes and skin. Spinach also contains folic acid which helps the formation of red blood cells and prevent defects of the fetus during pregnancy.
5. Potatoes
Cassava is a food source of potassium which can help lower high blood pressure so it also can reduce the risk of stroke. Her skin is high in fiber which is good for digestion.
6. Beans
Red beans contain a lot of potassium and meagnesium thus help lower high blood pressure. Red beans also contain lots of fiber, antioxidants, iron, and protein.
7. Eggplant
Eggplant contains a lot of fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants that are good for the body.
8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, and K, fiber antioxidant lycopene is good for heart health.
In addition to the above foods, there are other menus that are recommended for your healthy life. Here's the explanation:

Meat Fat & Low Fat Milk
In addition to a healthy diet of vegetables and fruit on top of that has many benefits for the body, do not also forget the lean meats and low-fat milk.
Lean red meat contains vitamin B, E, iron, zinc, and magnesium are good for the body.
Chicken breast meat and lean red meat can be the right choice. While low-fat milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D are important for bone health.
Make sure your food intake varied and balanced every day. Include fruits and vegetables every day, at least 5 servings a day based on WHO recommendations, to maintain health!

Simple Food For Heart Health

Simple food for heart health
The heart is an organ that is important for the flow of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. His role is vital to ensure that every cell in our body to function optimally. To that end, his health should be maintained properly.
Heart health problems are very much associated with blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, stress and anxiety disorder. To that end, these factors must be controlled at all times.
Here is a simple foods that can help cope with stress, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol to heart health can be maintained.
Free Food Heart Disease and Stress
1. Bananas
A banana contains 105 calories and 14 grams of sugar. The nutrient content enough to be a source of energy while and give a sense of satiety. While its content of vitamin B6 can help brain cells to produce serotonin, which can help overcome anxiety and stress.
2. Raisins
A handful of raisins contains 1 gram of fiber and potassium 212mg sufficient for daily needs and helps to lower high blood pressure. Some studies also show that polifeno content in grapes can be beneficial to maintain a healthy heart.
3. Pears
A medium-sized pear contains 5gram fiber. Mainly in the form of pectin that can help overcome the high cholesterol that is harmful to heart health.
4. Potatoes
Medium-sized potato contains 37gram carbohydrates that can help increase the production of serotonin in the brain so that it can provide a sense of comfort when taken with regard to fat and protein intake is not excessive (not more than 2gram).
A healthy diet, should also be accompanied by a pattern of healthy exercise and rest so that the physical and mental health is maintained optimally. always routine health check at least once a year to determine your overall health profile. Greetings healthy heart!

Monday, 2 February 2015

Eating Garlic Rules For Health

Eating Garlic rules for health, Eaten raw or eaten with cooked? Here's the explanation:
The best way to get the benefits of garlic is to consume them raw or undercooked. Garlic are cooked in hot temperatures can damage and eliminate Allicin content so that health benefits will also be reduced.
You can consume 2-4 cloves of garlic every day as a supplement. Currently available garlic extract in capsule form that can be taken to avoid unpleasant smells when consumed directly, Garlic is safe for consumption.
Side Effects of Garlic
Side effects that may arise in the form of flatulence, bad breath and body odor. In addition, garlic may also interact with some drugs such as isoniazid (tuberculosis drugs), hormonal contraceptives, blood thinners (clopidogrel, aspirin), anti-pain medications (NSAIDs), and anti-HIV.

Benefits Of Garlic

The benefits of garlic for the health of the human body. Garlic is one of the ingredients used in cooking throughout the world to add to the flavor of food. Garlic is known to have a pungent smell it turns often used for treatment since hundreds of years ago. At the time of World War 1, the soldiers use garlic as an antiseptic to prevent infection, clean the wound to treat dysentery.
Some content Garlic Beneficial To The Human Body Health
Under these conditions, many scientists began to examine the benefits of garlic this. Garlic is rich in vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, vitamin C, and other minerals. The content of Allicin / sulfur in garlic is believed to be a chemical that gives a lot of benefits to health, these substances also cause the sharp odor of garlic.
The following are the benefits of garlic for health:
The following are the benefits of garlic for health:
1, Reduce the risk of heart disease and hypertension
Garlic is one herb that is often referred to prevent heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. A study conducted for 4 years showed that those who consumed 900 mg of garlic setap day have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.
2. Reduce the risk of cancer
Some research suggests those who consume garlic raw or cooked have a lower risk of colon cancer, gastric cancer, and esophageal cancer.
3. Anti-inflammatory and anti-infective
The content of sulfur in garlic is believed to be a substance that can inhibit inflammatory processes, for example in skin diseases such as psoriasis, acne, wounds.
4. Increase endurance
The content of antioxidants in garlic can help increase endurance. If you get the flu, try to input 1 clove of garlic that have been chopped into a glass of warm water, let stand for 1 minute, add 1 tablespoon of honey or ginger to reduce odor, then drink.

Symptoms Yellow Eyes

Yellow eye occurs when the white part of the eye, or sclera turn into yellowish. Known as scleral jaundice, yellow eyes generally a sign of jaundice is caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment produced by the breakdown of old red blood cells. Bilirubin is normally processed by the liver and released into the intestine in bile prior to release of the body through the feces.
Yellow eyes in newborns can occur in physiological (normal) or pathologic (due to illness), which usually can be seen clinically. If the yellow on the new baby arise after the first 24 hours of life with the overall condition of a healthy baby, it can still be considered normal and generally temporary.
Then, what with yellow eyes in children and adults?
Yellow eyes in children and adults usually occur because of a serious illness, among which are:
hemolytic anemia,
hepatitis infection,
biliary obstruction,
alcohol disorders, and some disease syndrome.
If you or your child has yellow eyes without any symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and early treatment will reduce more serious complications.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

What Are Some Foods That Can Be Eaten When Dieting

Here is a selection of foods that may be consumed:
Whole Grain
High-protein foods such as fish, nuts
Unsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts, avocados
Sugar, in small amounts
You can still eat your favorite foods like pizza, but not in large quantities and not too often. Alcohol is one of the prohibited during the diet. After passing through the diet, you can eat a little bit of alcohol, a maximum of 75 calories / day. Nonetheless, leaving alcohol altogether more health benefits than simply consume with moderate (restriction).
The basis of the diet is to choose low-calorie foods and increased consumption of vegetables and fruit.

2 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Before you go on a diet we should first learn about the diet, and then adapted to the needs and conditions of the current body.
Mayo diet is a weight loss program created by health experts from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. The main purpose of this diet is to maintain weight loss in the long term and healthy lifestyle habit.
Diet Consist mayo 2 phases, namely:
1. Lose it!
In this phase, you can lose weight by 2.7 to 4.5 kg in 2 weeks in a healthy way and focus on lifestyle / habits. You should try to eliminate bad habits and add 5 5 healthy habits. In this phase, you are also required to perform physical activity or exercise at least 30 minutes each day.
2. Live it!
In this phase, we learn how to choose food, determine the size of the meal, meal planning, and healthy habits. Weight loss programs in this phase is 0.5 to 1 kg per week to reach the expected weight. In this phase, you also learn to set a target weight and apply a healthy diet so on. Regular exercise (30 minutes / day) is also an important part of this phase.