How To Treat Breast Cancer? Treatment options and prognosis (chance of recovery) depends on the stage of the cancer (whether the cancer is in the breast only or has spread to other body parts), the type of breast cancer, the characteristics of the cancer and whether the cancer cells are found in the other breast. Age woman, menopausal status (whether a woman still has a menstrual cycle) and general health conditions can affect treatment options and prognosis.
Surgery is common to remove the cancer. Some forms of surgical procedures including:
1) Surgery with Breast
Lumpectomy or Wide Local Excision - removal of the cancer and surrounding tissue slightly.
Quadrantektomi - removal of the cancer by raising more than lumpectomy surrounding tissue. For quadrantektomi procedure, a quarter part of the breast is removed.
2) mastectomy - removal of the entire breast with or without lymph node tissue below the axilla.
3) When breast surgery, some cells in the lymph nodes under the arm are also taken for examination.
hormone therapy
Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to kill the targeted cancer cells. The goal is to kill cancer cells that may remain around the breast.
Radiotherapy is vital after surgical procedures that maintain the breast, such as lumpectomy, because most of the breast tissue is left intact. This therapy will reduce the recurrence of breast cancer.
In general, women who underwent mastectomy procedure does not require radiotherapy. However, for some cases, this procedure needs to be done to treat the chest wall and lymph nodes in the armpit that is, when the risk of cancer coming back locally is still high.
Physical rehabilitation, including:
Shoulder exercises after surgery
Hand treatment to prevent lymphoedema
Balancing nutrition and lifestyle adaptations to improve healing
Mental Rehabilitation includes:
Strong support from partner, family, friends, and support groups
A woman can feel safe in knowing his recovery opportunities
Regularly attending physician consultation
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