Thursday, 5 February 2015

The Ability Of Memory Decline Due To Stress

The ability of memory decline due to stress: When you are faced with a situation of depression due to stress, the body will then respond, known in medical as the fight / flight response. That is a condition that determines which one must choose to react with aggressive behavior or even leave the stressful situation.
That's when the adrenal glands / kidney child on the body quickly produce adrenaline. If the threat is too severe or persist after a few minutes, then release the adrenal cortisol which is often called the stress hormone, cortisol though it turns out not only produced when a stressful situation alone.
Then how do the levels of hormones in the human memory? Here's the explanation:

Due to Stress Hormone Cortisol relationship, and Memory Impairment
  Professor Robert M. Sapolsk, MD. Cortisol in sufficient quantity turns out to have a good effect on the body such as increasing the burst of energy, improve memory function, and improve immunity. However, after that when the body is unable to provide the relaxation response is important to return to the normal function of the body, the hormone cortisol will settle, causing a condition called chronic stress.
Stress hormones are released repeatedly have an effect on brain function, especially memory. Too much cortisol can prevent the brain to save memory, or access an existing memory. Renowned brain researcher, Robert M. Sapolsky, have shown that the stress that occurs continuously may damage the hippocampus, a part of the limbic system in the brain which is the center of learning and memory. Hormones are responsible is glukokortikoid- steroid hormone released by the adrenal gland / adrenal during stress, which is known as corticosteroids or cortisol.

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