Monday 9 February 2015

Characteristics Of Breast Cancer Disease

Characteristics Of Breast Cancer Disease: Beware of some oddities on your breast, which can be the symptoms of breast cancer. Consider some of the following signs.

Breast changes shape with a lump in the skin, the skin looks like orange peel, discoloration, eczema, and others.
The retraction in the nipple (nipple into the breast).
Breast skin looks hollowed, thickening or roughness on the skin of the breast, and enlarged pores.
Bloody discharge such as water (occurs in a minority of cases).
Observe carefully both your breasts. You can do it in front of the mirror to see if there are physical changes that occur in one or both of your breasts, for example regarding size, texture, and color of the skin around the breast.

To detect lumps, lay your body. Then, palpate and press a little part of your bust with finger movements rotate clockwise. Immediately consult a doctor if any abnormalities are found on your breast.

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