Monday, 9 February 2015

How To Treat Cancer Naturally

How To Treat Cancer Naturally: Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. because it has a lot of people who died from cancer diseases. and if not overcome early can cause death in the sufferer. traditional cancer treatment alternative cancer treatment is safe, cheap, easy, effective, without oprasi, and without side effects such as chemical drugs have many side effects if consumed continuously can cause side effects.
cancer in this case is almost similar to the tumor. Tumors are cells that grow out of control it is no reasonable tumors or lumps remain and not growing or in terms of the doctor called benign tumors. If the lump is growing uncontrollably and can grow anywhere it will damage other cells according to medical science is called a malignant tumor or commonly called cancer, cancer can grow anywhere like neck cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the nose, oral cancer, colon cancer, heart upstream cancer, and others who would have been very dangerous if not handled immediately.
how to treat cancer traditionally

signs of cancer and tumors
a) wound or sore that never healed.
b) abnormal bleeding.
c) wound in the breast or elsewhere.
d) impaired appetite, as well as digestion.

advice for people with cancer or malignant tumors
a) eat vegetables and fruits that much.
b) regular wash and clean.
c) do not callous negative but always directed toward Allah swt bonding.
how to treat cancer and malignant tumors traditionally

a) Take the leaves and flowers parasite, wash with clean water and boiled with approximately 3 cups water to a boil. Having a cold can be taken with pure bee honey is added.
b) Take a young cermai fruit leaves, young leaves of papaya, starfruit leaves young. comparable in size with three handfuls of hand later in the wash and then boiled with approximately 3 cups water to boiling then cooled and can be taken with honey to taste, to drink enough half a glass of morning and afternoon.
c) fresh carrots at the scar and the filter can be added with pure honey and drunk.

drink all the ingredients on a regular basis every day insha allah patiently cancer and tumors can be cured. besides yourself closer to the gods because all disease is given by Allah that we are aware of our sins and to test the strength of our faith.

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